Course Summary

A synopsis of biblical themes and teaching

The study deals with core Old and New Testament concepts, where God is the center and the initiator of spiritual blessings, which he brings to the world in Jesus Christ. The investigation deals with theological concepts found within the Old and New Testaments.  Specific points of interest are the unifying themes relating to the Messiah, the kingdom of God, the end times, and salvation.

It shall be assumed that the student is acquainted with the general content of both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The task here is to inquire of the meaning of this factual knowledge.

The course syllabus is broken into three modules: (1) Theological Inquiry, (2) The Divine Encounter, and (3) Salvation, the Church, and Last Things. With a new name, M 3 Biblical Theology replaces previous courses with the tag MRS 004 and 009 or the name Systematic Theology.  Credit may not be duplicated.  Prerequisites: M 1 and M 2.  3 semester hours of graduate credit.


• Define the process of biblical theology

Investigate topics such as the nature of God, humanity, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the kingdom of God, the church, and end times

Develop intellectual understanding of the Christian faith and deepen spiritual awareness

Credit. Credit for the course requires a score of 70% or greater on 3 multiple choice examinations and two research papers. Each graded element is valued at 20% of the course grade.  A sample exam problem is given below:

In its pure form, systematic theology is concerned (A) only with exegesis, (B) only with the teachings of the New Testament, (C) with adapting biblical doctrines to new circumstances, (D) with the content of both Old and New Testaments as well as historical interpretations of doctrine.


Internet articles are linked within the syllabus. Additionally, textbooks are found in the Electronic Collection without cost to the student.  If a hard copy is preferred, the following is recommended: 

Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. 3rd. ed. Baker Book House, 2013. 1200 pages. $36.83. ISBN: 978-0801036439