Course Summary

The formation of a wholesome marriage and a strong family

The key to a healthy marriage and contented family lies in the foundation on which the marriage rests. Since a spiritual relationship with God is the only basis for meaning, the marriage must reflect the ideals God established for marriage and family life. The course assumes a Christian perspective and demonstrates how that perspective can contribute to a sense of contentment and fulfillment. The course is organized in three modules: (1) The Marriage Ideal, (2) Husband and Wife, (3) Children, Freedom, and Fulfillment. 3 semester hours of graduate credit. Open to M.Div. students only.


•  Lay the foundation for healthy family life through an evaluation of Christian and secular family values.

•  Differentiate family roles.

•  Recognize the need for balance between freedom and responsible Christian behavior

Credit. Credit for the course requires a score of 70% or greater on each of three multiple-choice examinations, a research summary, and the submission of a 2,000-word book review. Each graded element is valued at 20% of the final grade. Exam problems are taken from the course syllabus and resources listed below. A sample problem on the examinations follows.

A person who experiences no discipline in childhood will likely (A) become disciplined in adulthood, (B) enjoy a full life unimpeded by restrictions, (C) never learn the art of self-control, (D) over-discipline his/her children.

Resources. Needed resources are available in the Electronic Collection, which is accessed from the Course Menu.