Course Summary

The language of the New Testament, with illustrations of its usefulness to a study of the New Testament

This course includes an introduction to the Greek language, its basic grammar and vocabulary, and issues of translation and exegesis related to working with original biblical texts of the New Testament. The course is organized in 3 modules: (1) The System, (2) Grammar, and (3) Sources, Translation, Exegesis, and Application. May not be taken if the student has credit for BRS 8 or MRS 321. 3 semester-hour graduate credits.


 Introduce the structure of Koiné Greek (Module 1)

 Explain Greek grammar (Module 2)

 Demonstrate the relationship of linguistic study and exegesis (Module 3)

Credit. Credit for the course requires a score of 70% or greater on three multiple-choice examinations and two essays. A sample multiple-choice problem is given below.

A smooth breathing mark (A) has no special sound in English, (B) indicates a feminine word, (C) indicates the letter under it is silent, (D) makes the word plural.


Essential reading and study materials are indicated in the syllabus through an e-book and online links. Alternative texts may be substituted (see under Extended Resources) as these are nicely supplemented with the online videos linked appropriately in the course syllabus.