Course Summary

History, beliefs, and analysis of the three faith systems that claim connection with Abraham

The course is a study in comparisons and contrasts, with attention given to the assumptions that underlie the theoretical structure of each faith and features that make each unique.  It is organized in three modules: (1) Judaism, (2) Christianity, and (3) Islam. 3 semester hours of undergraduate credit.  Credit will not be awarded if the student has completed BRS 17.


1. Discover the origins, history, and spread of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

2. Detect common underlying themes of the Abrahamic faith systems

3. Analyze essential tenets of the Abrahamic faith systems

Credit. Credit for the course requires a score of 70% or greater on three multiple-choice examinations, a 2,000-word paper analyzing one Abrahamic faith, and a 2,000-word paper comparing and contrasting the other two Abrahamic faith systems.  The exams and papers count for 20% each toward the course grade. A sample multiple-choice exam problem is given below.

Judaism began as (A) a conscious effort to create a higher level of understanding of God, (B) a natural progression of evolutionary thought about God, (C) a synthesis of Egyptian and Canaanite belief and worship, (D) a consequence of Yahweh’s revealing of himself.


Three e-books have been adopted as “textbooks” for this course.  They may be instantly accessed without cost to the student (see under Electronic Collection).  In the event the student wishes to substitute hardcopy books, that is permitted, with the following being recommended:

Biale, David and Jack Miles. The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Judaism. W. W. Norton & Company, 2017. 800 pages. $20.36 ISBN: 978-0393355031

Cunningham, Lawrence S. and Jack Miles. The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Christianity. W. W. Norton & Company, 2017. 752 pages $20.36 ISBN: 978-0393355048

McAuliffe, Jane Dammen and Jack Miles, Jack. The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Islam. W. W. Norton & Company, 2017. 720 pages. $20.36 ISBN: 978-0393355024