Course Summary

How a spiritual dimension affects one's values and relationships

The course is organized in five modules: (1) Discovering Worth through the Loss of Dignity, (2) Discovering the Difference Commitment Can Make, (3) Discovering Character in Non-Conformity, (4) Discovering Strength through Weakness, and (5) Discovering Encouragement through Unusual Sources. 3 semester hours of undergraduate credit. 


1.  Analyze biblical texts that relate to spiritual dimensions

2.  Evaluate the incongruence between biblical principles and cultural expectations

3. Discover how others find comfort in times of despair, loneliness, or loss of freedom 


Credit for the course requires a score of 70% or greater on each of five research papers. Each paper counts 20% toward the final grade.


A Bible

Textbooks are in the form of e-books and are available in the Electronic Collection without cost to the student.  However, if hard copy books are preferred, the following may be substituted.

Brueggeman, Walter. From Whom No Secrets Are Hid: Introducing the Psalms. Westminster John Knox Press, 2014. 222 pages. $20.96 ASIN: B00NH0SZ70

Lincoln, Andrew T. and Gordon McConville (eds.). The Bible and Spirituality: Exploratory Essays in Reading Scripture Spiritually.  Cascade Books, 2013. $35 ISBN: 978-1620327098